
to be equivalent to中文是什么意思

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  • 例句与用法
  • Values are not stored as numbers , and the stored values are not intended to be equivalent to numbers
  • The time complexity of the new algorithm is linear in n . this algorithm is proved to be equivalent to the algorithm on the discernibility matrix
    次属性定理的证明依赖差别矩阵,这暗示次属性算法的计算复杂性为o m n 2 。
  • People expect its quality to be equivalent to that of tv , which is clear and whose colors are fresh . and like tv , n - isdn should carry moving pictures
    人们期望用n - isdn提供的图象的品质,应与电视图象画面的品质相当,要彩色鲜艳,图象清晰
  • The . net framework also supplies a number of methods on data types that might appear to be equivalent to visual basic functions and keywords
    . net framework还提供了许多针对数据类型的方法,这些方法可能看起来与visual basic函数和关键字等效。
  • Economy compensates golden amount to be equivalent to the 25 of pay pay ; the amount of economic compensation is equivalent to worker pay pay , economy compensating summation come fivefold
    经济补偿金的数额相当于工资报酬的25 ;经济赔偿金的数额相当于劳动者工资报酬、经济补偿总和的一至五倍。
  • Higher diploma programmes are generally recognised to be equivalent to associated degree programmes . graduates can apply for civil service or non - civil service positions with higher diploma as entry level
  • Qualifications have to be equivalent to the recognised british standard of bachelor ' s , master ' s or phd to be awarded the respective points for each level of qualification , which has been validated by the national academic recognition information centre ( naric ) database
  • Under some conditions , short - circuit test on balanced transformers can be performed by means of 1 . 5 phase supply . it is proved to be equivalent to the short - circuit fault during their operation . the test results comply with gb1094 . 5 - 1985
    建立一定的试验条件,在1 . 5相电源双臂预先短路情况下进行短路试验,使短路试验能够同时满足实际运行中发生短路时的短路电流有效值和短路电流峰值的要求,并进行试验验证。
  • If because servantchoose a person for a job , the reason of the unit did not conclude , work contract , or conclude invalid labor contract , cause losing of pay of laborer inductrial injury , medical treatment , divide outside providing treatment of inductrial injury , medical treatment for laborer by national regulation , still should pay laborer to be equivalent to medical treatment expending the damage of 25 % to use
    假如由于用人单位的原因没有订立劳动合同,或订立无效劳动合同,造成劳动者工伤、医疗待遇损失的,除按国家规定为劳动者提供工伤、医疗待遇外,还应支付劳动者相当于医疗费25 %的赔偿费用。
  • During the finite element modeling of the bridge , the factors affecting the accuracy of the finite element model are discussed in detail , such as , the geometrical non - linearity of the cable including gravitational sag and initial tension , and the structural orthotropic steel box - girder deck to be equivalent to physical orthotropic deck by using compound material mechanics , and so on
    在建模过程中,尽可能多地考虑了一些影响全桥有限元模型精度的因素:如斜拉索的几何非线性(重力垂度和初始应力) ,将构造正交各向异性钢箱梁桥面板用复合材料力学的方法等效为物理正交各向异性板等。
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to be equivalent to的中文翻译,to be equivalent to是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译to be equivalent to,to be equivalent to的中文意思,to be equivalent to的中文to be equivalent to in Chineseto be equivalent to的中文to be equivalent to怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
